Sales Letter Marketing
December 30, 2008 by admin
Filed under Internet Marketing
If you have a web site, you need to be persuasive with your copy and encourage people to purchase your product or service. One of the best ways to do this is by using online sales letters that accomplish several goals and end with a call to action. If your letter is successful, that action will be making an inquiry or a purchase from your web site. Learning how to draft effective online sales letters can be one of the best things you do to increase sales and boost your profits.
Introduce the Features of the Product or Service
Introducing your product or service is the first step to writing a great sales letter. Do you write business plans? Do you have a home cleaning product that will cut down on time and money? Introduce your products or services and outline the features. If you’ll save a customer time, money, or hassles, let them know. If you can increase sales or revenues, include that in your opening as well. You want potential customers to understand how your product or service can improve their lives.
Let Readers Know Which Benefit is the Most Important
A product with many features is great, but many times a product or service will have one feature that sets it apart from the rest. Will your product save 75% on energy costs for a home user? Will your service create $1,000 or more of additional income for clients in the next year? Make this top feature known so that your products and services stand out from the products and services of your competitors.
Target the Product or Service to a Particular Market
If you have a web site that is specifically targeted to one group, don’t write a general sales letter that can be sent to anyone. For example, your sales letter to real estate agents should include specific information about how your products and services are of benefit to the real estate industry. Perhaps you can help agents track their commissions or increase their sales. If this is the case, include all that information in your sales letter. The more your product or service applies to a potential customer, the more likely he or she will make a purchase.
Describe What Support is Offered After a Purchase Has Been Made
If you offer post-sales support for your products and services, let customers know about it in your online sales letter. There’s nothing worse to a customer than making a purchase and finding out no support is offered once their credit card has been processed or their check has cleared. If you offer 24/7 support, let customers know in your marketing message. If you have classes or books on how to use your products and services, make sure your customers know about them. Providing support after you’ve made a sale will help you to develop customer loyalty.
Writing a great online sales letter takes time and effort, but it can be done if you’re willing to spend the time and effort.. Once you have mastered the technique of writing an effective sales letter, you should see an increase in the number of qualified leads that contact you about your products and services.